Details | Get tickets Watch the trailer Legendary anime director Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke) returned after a ten-year hiatus to write and direct this hand-drawn, original story. After losing his mother during the war, young Mahito moves to his family’s estate in the countryside. There, a series of mysterious events leads him to a secluded and ancient tower, home to a mischievous gray heron. When Mahito’s new stepmother disappears, he follows the gray heron into the tower and enters a fantastic world shared by the living and the dead. As he embarks on an epic journey with the heron as his guide, Mahito must uncover the secrets of this world and the truth about himself. Description adapted from Gkids. (Dir.: Hayao Miyazaki, Japan, 2023, 124 min., DCP, English) Films are shown in the 300-seat Meyer Auditorium. Preregistration (up to four tickets per person per film) is encouraged but not required. Seating is available on a first–come, first served basis for patrons without tickets. Image courtesy of Gkids |